Tales from the bench: Linn9000

We just got back from NAMM 2024. Was overall a great success, as our main goal was to spread awareness of who we are and what we are capable of. We met so many people who were genuinely interested and wanted more info! Seems our reputation as a DJ-focused spot is growing, and sure, we’re known for our work on DJ gear and live production audio—there’s lots of proof of that. But we realized we haven’t really showcased our ability to service some of the more esoteric/specialty-audio gear. And looking back, damn! We’ve done some cool stuff. Starting off, we’d like to feature one of our favorite repairs of all time:

The Linn9000. Legendary drum machine. This particular unit was featured in Wu-Tang: An American Saga (TV Series 2019–2023). TBH, the fact that this unit was “famous” went right under my radar. After a power supply repair and some tedious work replacing sliders and cleaning pads, I was just happy to see it working again. It wasn’t until over a year later that one of our techs let me know that this self-same unit was not only seen in, but also featured in an entire episode. Guess I should get my head out of the solder fumes every once in a while.

In any case, it’s always a pleasure to see our repairs out in the real world. And in this case, in such a high-vis context! One final note: when I find the episode, I’ll upload for your viewing pleasure.

Work completed: rechargeable batteries replaced, power supply/relay replaced, drum pads cleaned/re-carboned, slide pots replaced (where needed). Tested, etc.



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